Wednesday 25 February 2015 passion

I think my love for cushions is evident from the name of my blog. The other thing I love to do is SEW. When my daughter was small I would stitch her dresses. So over a period of time I have amassed beautiful fabrics.But now my daughter is 13 and like any other teenager she fancies modern clothing. The sewing machine has been sitting pretty idle. So I decided to make use of the fabrics at home. I always liked patch work quilts but always brushed aside the thought of making one because of the herculean task involved. So then I decided to do a makeover for an old cane chair which we had discarded when we bought our new sofas. First I painted it white... and then came the part I enjoyed the most. I made a patch work seat cover for the chair with the dress fabrics I had at home. I also made the green and blue cushion covers which I think is going well with the patch work chair seat cover.Ohh I cant explain the joy of doing something you are passionate about...

Do let me know if you liked it.