Friday 13 November 2015

Happy Diwali

Happy Diwali to all. Hope you had a wonderful one. 

In my family it all started with each one having holiday on a different day. As if this was not enough , we had a terrible weather here in Bangalore. It was raining through Diwali and it was VERY cold. But nothing could kill our spirit of Diwali. We did everything we did on every Diwali. We burst crackers, had a wonderful lunch and my favorite part - lit up the house with lamps and did Rangoli.Sharing some pictures here -

Sunday 22 March 2015

Adorning my kitchen

I love adorning my kitchen as much as I love adorning my living room. Recently I bought a new microwave oven. It is white in color and I didn't want it to look greasy after a few days so decided to make a cover for it . The color theme of my kitchen is yellow so I picked a plain yellow fabric. To add some color to it I did some embroidery on it. Usually I love doing flower embroideries but this time I decided to do something related to the kitchen. Please see the below pictures and let me know if you like them.

Saturday 14 March 2015

Sunday Morning Chai .............

Good Morning Everybody. Happy Sunday !!

Cooling off the exam stress with a cup of hot tea...Ohh the irony !!

Saturday 7 March 2015

Happy Holi .....

Hope you all had a wonderful holi.

Being a working day, my holi was limited to these pictures and whatsapping freinds.

Wednesday 25 February 2015 passion

I think my love for cushions is evident from the name of my blog. The other thing I love to do is SEW. When my daughter was small I would stitch her dresses. So over a period of time I have amassed beautiful fabrics.But now my daughter is 13 and like any other teenager she fancies modern clothing. The sewing machine has been sitting pretty idle. So I decided to make use of the fabrics at home. I always liked patch work quilts but always brushed aside the thought of making one because of the herculean task involved. So then I decided to do a makeover for an old cane chair which we had discarded when we bought our new sofas. First I painted it white... and then came the part I enjoyed the most. I made a patch work seat cover for the chair with the dress fabrics I had at home. I also made the green and blue cushion covers which I think is going well with the patch work chair seat cover.Ohh I cant explain the joy of doing something you are passionate about...

Do let me know if you liked it.

Thursday 6 November 2014

My new Coffee Table....

I got a new coffee table home and ever since have been clicking pictures of it.

Sharing a few pictures here.

Saturday 25 October 2014


Diwali is one of my favorite festival. One of the reason is that I can take out my favorite diyas which I have amassed over years and decorate my home. This time I had to keep it simple as we just came back from 2 weeks vacation. Here is a collage of my decoration at home this time. Hope you like it